An Investment In Your Employees, Your Company, Your Future

Fire Prevention Week is October 7-13, 2001

The history of National Prevention Week has it roots in the Great Chicago Fire, which occurred on October 9, 1871. This tragic conflagration killed some 300 people, left 100,000 homeless and destroyed more than 17,000 structures. The origin of the fire has generated speculation since its occurrence, with the fact and fiction becoming blurred over the years. One popular legend has it that Mrs. O'Leary was milking her cow when the animal kicked over a lamp, setting the O'Leary barn on fire and starting the spectacular blaze. However the massive fire began, it swiftly took its toll, burning more than 2000 acres in 27 hours. The city of Chicago quickly rebuilt, however, and within a couple of years residents began celebrating their successful restoration to memorialize the anniversary of the fire with festivities.

When President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed the first National Fire Prevention Week, October 4-10, 1925, he noted that in the previous year some 15,000 lives were lost to fire in the United States. Calling the loss "startling", President Coolidge's proclamation stated, "This waste results from the conditions which justify a sense of shame and horror; for the greater part of it could and ought to be prevented...It is highly desirable that every effort be made to reform the conditions which have made possible so vast a destruction of the national wealth".

Be Prepared for a Fire Emergency

  • Know where fire alarm boxes are throughout your workplace.
  • Learn your company's evacuation procedures and established escape routes.
  • Know where fire extinguishers are located and what types of fires they are rated for.
  • Know the fire rating of the materials in your work area.

If there's a fire, extinguish the fire only if

  • you are certaint he fire is small enough for you to handle
  • you have the right fire extinguisher handy

Otherwise, sound the alarm immediately and begin evacuating the building. In a fire emergency, every second counts!

REMEMBER: There are four types of fire:

  • Type A: Wood, paper, cloth, rubbish, etc.
  • Type B: Flammable gas/liquies--oil, grease, paint, etc.
  • Type C: Electrical fires
  • Type D: Combustible metals

Cool a Burn

  • If someone gets burned, place the wound in cool water for 10-15 minutes.
  • If the burn blisters or chars, see a doctor immediately. Set the temperature of your hot water heater to 120 degrees F (49 C) or below.